Acacia + Enrique’s Downtown Fresno family photos turned into some of my all-time favorite family photos I’ve taken!
Firstly, these Downtown Fresno family photos are near to my heart because this family was one of the first families I got to work with when I first started my photography journey! This is the third time they’ve been back since. It’s always such a joy to walk alongside my clients through different seasons of life. It’s actually my favorite part about photography.
Second, I’ve been wanting to do a family session on this rooftop in Downtown Fresno for over a year. I knew the neutral shades of the area and the Fresno cityscape would be such a fun location to capture a family. Most people would shy away if their photographer asked them to meet at a parking garage for a family session. However, Acacia + Enrique packed up the kids and made it such a fun experience for them.
Third, Acacia is an expert at styling her boys’ outfits. She has a keen eye for pairing different shades, and letting certain textures pop! I’m always so excited to see what she comes up with.
You can see for yourself with their family photos below.

I always aim to make my sessions reflective of each family’s current season of life. For Acacia + Enrique, that meant letting the boys roam around the rooftop. The Godzilla soundtrack was the perfect background to their exploration.

Styling the kids’ outfits for family photos can be tricky. I recommend picking 1-2 colors that you’d like to be more prevalent in your photos. These colors can be seasonal based, like gold and rust during autumn, or just colors you happen to enjoy! My favorite colors to use are earth tones like sage, light blue, or gray. Acacia and Enrique chose peach and denim for their colors.
Once you have those colors selected, just add in some neutral tones to bring everything together. The neutrals that I see work the best are usually whites, tans, creams, and light browns. The white and light brown in the boys’ clothing pulls together all the outfits so their clothing comes off well-coordinated.
Some of my favorite places to shop for styling kids’ outfits are Old Navy, GAP, Zara, and Target!

I always try to get a few of just mom and dad because they deserve some appreciation too 😉

Ready to book your Fresno family photographer?
I know I share a lot of my work with weddings on here, but I do still offer family sessions as well! It’s an honor to walk alongside my clients as their families grow and change. I offer a special discount towards all of my returning clients as a thank you for letting me be part of your journey!
Head here for more details on booking your family session!
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May 7, 2022